
In '97

I've got it now
A thorn in my side the size of a Cadillac
Drive it through
Because backing up now would be next to impossible

I had it all
When I was with you I forgot about everything
Eighteen months
Eighteen months seems like fucking eternity

But you'll be there, to dry my eyes
When I breathe you in

I've got it now
Like a thorn in my side the size of a Cadillac
Drive it through
Because backing up now would be next to impossible
I had it all

When I was with you I forgot about everything
Eighteen months,
I won't breathe for eighteen months

I don't deserve this, I don't deserve this, I don't deserve this, no I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this, no I don't deserve this, I don't deserve this, no I don't deserve this, I don't deserve this.


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