Are you sick of this yet?

I had a dream. (haha)
I had a dream where there were colors all around us. And I thought it would be the best to burn the colors. So my friend and I burned the colors, it would be fun and what was somehow disguised as a favor to the world. We were being super heroes, just like we were determined to be every day.
We find out that burning the colors was really the worst thing we could do. It's pretty much the end of humanity and peace for all eternity because my friend and I burned the colors. We made a mistake.
Well, I am so god damn resilient. Even in my fucking dreams.
So we find out of the chaos that was ensued by these fools who lit the colors by listening to the news on the radio. And my friend looks at me and says, "Burning colors!"
We should have known.
We're driving through the burning colors, basking in our glory... We were so proud one moment, then the next we both know we are going to die. ...Just die. We had ten seconds to live and we both knew it.
I confirmed what my friend had just told me by saying, "Burning colors..." And completed both our thoughts with "then... I love you". What else could I say?
A good friend is someone that will come bail you out of jail. The real ones are going to be sitting next to you in the cell saying, "damn... That was fun."
We have ten seconds to live. Then this is what you need to know. We made a mistake. I love you. We are beautiful with our mistakes... Even if it's our last chance. Especially when it was our last chance. I love you, I love you, I lll...................
"Burning colors....Then, I love you."
I better have been one of the friends you speak of that you were burning colors with.
Oh man, that sounds like fun- burning colors... all except the... well... world ending part.
Yea, it was fun while it lasted right?
I will sit next to you in jail.
"damn, that was fun..."
I've decided we need to play. and burn colors.
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