
So I have this problem with shaking. I can't pin it to a certain reason why. Actually, it's probably a combination of an assortment of reasons. I am cold often. And I'd like to just leave it at that. At the moment it could very well be the lame-ass combination of 13 Tylonals and the biggest energy drink I can find (my pathetic attempt to get a little buzzed, since it's all I can get ahold of). But what worries me most, is that it's probably the fact that there are two people out there that know I'm doing something aweful to them. Well one knows. One suspects. It tears me apart that I am tearing them apart. And they only know half of it. And it will stay that way. Because they will never know (let alone accept) it until I accept it. And I never will. I'm shaking because I'm scared. Jesus! It won't stop!!


Blogger Big Koast said...

"I have my drugs, I have my woman-It keeps away the lonliness" WHAT IS THAT FROM!!


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